Meet Our People: Staff & Management

We are a people business, and we never forget it.

Learn more about the people who make McDonald's work.

Anar Bayramov

HR Director

In everyone’s life, there are goals that they want to achieve within a certain period of time. I still remember my first visit to McDonald’s. In 2002, I went to a McDonald’s restaurant and I ordered ice cream. It was my first visit to a restaurant. The speed and culture of service, the cleanliness of the restaurant made a good impression on me, and I went back to the restaurant. But this time not as a client, but for a job. About a week later, I was hired at the first McDonald’s restaurant in Fountain Square. I started out as a regular employee. It was my first job. Constant interaction with staff, the positive atmosphere in restaurants and the official employment of employees have made me very loyalty to this company. I believe that if I can go from a staff member to a human resources manager, every staff member can succeed.


Cihan Bicakci

Operation Director

In 1996, with the recommendation of my friend, I began my career at McDonald’s on a half-state at the restaurant in Izmir, Turkey. After that, I was appointed to various positions in McDonald’s restaurants in many cities in Turkey. In 2008, after being promoted to team member, team mentor, team leader, section chief, shift manager, second assistant manager, and first assistant manager, I was sent to a special course in Dubai to move to the next level. After successfully completing these courses, I started working as a restaurant manager. Between 2008 and 2014, I was appointed director of the restaurant, and in 2014, operations consultant. From June 2016, I started working abroad for the first time and joined the McDonald’s Azerbaijan family. In those years when I started working in Turkey, managers often told me: “Who will leave ketchup in the blood, he cannot quit this job!”. I can still feel that ketchup in my blood!

Emil Mahmudov

Operation Manager

I have always wished to do my things. Now I am among the lucky ones to get this job. The attention McDonald's pays to its employees, the training it provides for their professional development, and the importance it places on their health unite this work team into one big family. It is a great honor for me to be part of the constantly improving system of high-quality service rendered to our guests, demonstrate exemplary work together with new team members. Each member of our family is constantly striving for self-improvement. Using the accumulated knowledge, we put forward new proposals and ideas in the area of services provided by our company to keep it on top of success. The knowledge, experience, and skills I have acquired during my work at McDonald's help me a lot in my daily life. I am proud of my job; I love my job.

Jeyhun Suleymanov

Operation Consultant

Working for McDonald's is always a matter of pride. Loving one’s job and working in a family atmosphere are even more inspiring. Here you see your everyday development, and this gives you additional motivation. This is why, like every McDonald's team member, I am passionate about my job. It is also very great to share the acquired experience with others.
I am very happy and proud to see that our company is a reliable brand and is developing more and more day by day. Today, I can say with confidence that I am very happy about the right choice I have made 14 years ago! 

Elshad Valiyev

Operation Consultant

I joined the big McDonald's family in February 2005. My first and only job at McDonald’s is much more to me than a job. For my 16 years at McDonald's, I have built a career, gained personal growth opportunities, and, most importantly, got new friends. McDonald’s let me grow from a simple employee to an office worker, created new opportunities for me.
Today, my main task as an operation consultant is to provide guests with high-quality products, a hospitable atmosphere, and high standards of cleanliness.

Tarlan Ramazanov

Operation Consultant

I joined the McDonald's family on July 26, 2006. From the first day of work in the McDonald’s team, I was impressed by the teamwork, friendliness, and free work schedule. Thus, I set a goal to build a career with this company. After a while, in 2007, I became an instructor and gradually grew to the position of Director in March 2013. In 2013-2014, McDonald's sent me to training in Russia and Germany to expand my knowledge of restaurant business development.
Since July 1, 2020, I have been working as an operation consultant, supporting and guiding my managers, and rejoicing at their successes. 

Elshan Askerov

Operation Consultant

In 2008, when I was a student, I decided to work to cover my expenses. On my brother’s recommendation, I learned that McDonald's had a vacancy for a team member, and the work schedule was suitable for students. Thus, I submitted my CV to the McDonald's restaurant in the Shuvalan Settlement and a week later, I was hired. From the first day, I was attracted by the healthy working environment and broad prospects here, and I decided to build a career in this company. I have been working for the company for over 12 years and am currently a Store Director. When I started my career, I had never thought that McDonald's would become so dear to me. However, the attitude and priority given by the McDonald's management to human resources have caused me and hundreds of people like me to love and respect this company.

Emin Mirjafarov

Operation Consultant

I remember my student years 15 years ago. I thought that for a human, there is nothing dearer than family. For me, the concept of a job meant only a place where I could work for a certain period. Given the time, place, and circumstances, I submitted my CV to McDonald’s and got a job with the intention of working there for a while. But this ‘while’ turned to be a year, then from 1 to 5, and now up to 15 years.
Today, I can say with great pride that I am a member of a large family. Our family is growing and developing day by day. There is a place for everyone in my McDonald’s family!
I think there is nothing better than a child’s smile. We do this constantly, every moment. And it makes me very happy! 

Irada Aliyeva

Store Director

I have learned about the opening of a McDonald’s restaurant and decided to try myself in a new field. When I Submitted my CV, I did not doubt that McDonald’s would provide me with the opportunity to grow and reach incredible heights. As a result, the company created all the conditions for my development and study at special courses in Russia and Germany.
I am proud to have worked in the same team for over 20 years. I am grateful to the company for its stability and support. This is a great start and life experience for each of us. 

Imamqulu Musayev

Store Director

In 2014, a year after entering Baku Business University, I decided to get a job and applied to a McDonald's restaurant near the Ganjlik metro. In a few days, I was invited for an interview, and on March 11, 2014, I started working as a McDonald's team member. From the first day of work, my attention was drawn to the friendly staff and attitude, and flexible working hours and I set a goal to build a career at McDonald's.In August 2014, I achieved my first success and got the position of team leader; then, climbing the career ladder, on April 1, 2019, I was appointed Director of a restaurant in Ganja, the first McDonald’s restaurant in the region. And this is not my final goal. I believe that if anyone sets a goal and does everything to achieve it, nothing is impossible for him or her.

Ilkin Shabanov

Store Director

McDonald's, which does not require any work experience, creates career opportunities for its employees by providing them with the resources and knowledge required. Taking advantage of these opportunities, in 2009, from a young age, I became a member of the large McDonald's family. Teamwork, a positive environment, friendly staff, and the opportunity for career growth have become a great incentive for me to continue my career in this company. The home company I work for taught us how to achieve success: instead of competing with others, you should always achieve your goals, exceed them, and move on. Anyone who relies on his or her strength and perseverance can build a successful career at McDonald's. I have been a member of the McDonald's family for over 10 years and am very happy to work for this company. 

Nargiz Kocariyeva

Store Director

I have always looked for a job that would motivate me to change, grow, and improve. In the ads, I have read about a vacancy at McDonald’s allowing me to move up the career ladder. I came to a restaurant to submit my CV. I realized that McDonald’s was just the job I was looking for and decided to build a career here. As I worked, I was convinced every day that I had made the right decision since I had a reliable workplace. Thanks to professional support, I acquired additional knowledge and skills, and gradually, after 9 years of work for the company, starting as a team member, I grew to the position of director. From the perspective of my experience at McDonald’s, I can say that the door to career growth is open here for anyone who works hard and believes in themselves. One has only to wish! 

Elnur Atakishiyev

Store Director

Successful people are not quite different from others. But nothing comes by itself. One of the best ways to start a new career is to do your job and fulfill your duties well. After the military service in July 2007, I was looking for a new job. Talking to my friend, I learned about a vacancy in a McDonald’s restaurant chain, came to one of them, and submitted my CV; as a result, I became a member of the large McDonald's family. For me, this meant not only a new job but also new opportunities, acquaintances, and friends. This is my second family! As I integrated into this large team more and more, I began to work on myself and really liked it. Now I work as a Store Director and have to thank the professionals for it, whom I can call true teachers. I've been the McDonald's family member for over 14 years and I'm proud of it! 

Kamran Adilxanov

Store Director

In 2008, I applied for a job at the McDonald’s restaurant in Fountain Square and started working there as a team member. From the first day of work, my attention was drawn to the teamwork and the flexible work schedule at McDonald’s, and I set a goal to build a career in this company. Step by step, this goal let me climb the career ladder and on November 1, 2018, brought me to the position of Director.
I believe that it is still not a peak of my career at McDonald’s, and I will face new achievements and successes in this large family. 

Rakhil Mammadov

Store Director

I joined the McDonald's family in February 2008. At that time, I came to the McDonald’s restaurant near the Ganjlik metro station and submitted my CV. After a while, I started working at this restaurant as a team member. I liked the work schedule and the teamwork here, and I already realized that this work suited me perfectly. I saw real career opportunities and set a goal to build my career here. Then I passed special training and was appointed the Team Leader. Later, I was promoted to Manager, Assistant Director, and ultimately, Store Director. Now I am working for McDonald's and very happy that I have once made the right choice and chosen this company as a permanent place of work. 

İmamali Aliyev

Store Director

I joined McDonald’s family on the recommendation of a classmate. Wishing, like every student, to pay my own expenses, in 2011 I started my first job – at McDonald’s restaurant on Fountains Square. Opportunities for successful development, trainings conducted at a professional level, knowledge and skills acquired by me during a certain period of my career – all this helped me to reach the position of director. I’ve been part of the McDonald’s family for 11 years. The achievements I have gained during this period through the development of many knowledge and skills, as well as the support provided by the company to each employee, are in fact available to everyone. That is why I am proud to be part of the McDonald’s family, providing us with ongoing support and empowerment!

Elvin Ahmadov

Store Director

I remember 2014. We met with friends in front of McDonald’s, located near the metro station “Neftchiler”. One of friends said: “Come on, let’s go to McDonald’s for a cocktail, their cocktails are delicious. This moment changed my whole life and soon I turned from a guest to an employee.

McDonald’s opened new pages in my life. Here I got wonderful colleagues and friends. Working as a team was my dream. And I have been a member of the McDonald’s family for 8 years. I invite everyone here.

Musa Musazadeh

Store Director

I am a member of a large McDonald’s family since 2011. From the first days I decided that I would build a career at McDonald’s. Competitive working environment and opportunities for professional development have attracted my attention. I was also encouraged by the fact that my development was in the interest of my leadership. The courses, which are part of the company’s training program to develop our knowledge and skills, have helped me expand my theoretical and practical knowledge. For more than 10 years I have been a member of the McDonald’s team. It is more than a place of work, it has played an important role in my life – it has helped to make new friends. A man doesn’t really get tired of doing what he loves. 

Mirzagha Mirzaghayev

Store Director

As a first-year student, in 2006 I applied for a job at the McDonald’s store, located near the subway station “Nariman Narimanov”. After a while I was invited to an interview and was hired. A friendly team, a good relationship between the employees and flexible working hours attracted my attention, and I set myself a goal to build a career at McDonald’s. Step by step I was promoted to the position of store director at 01.08.2022. I learned a lot on the long road to becoming a director, and I saw our company grow and value every employee. I am very happy to be part of the McDonald’s team.

Samir Mahmudov

Store Director

In 2011, while studying in my second year of university, I got a job at McDonald's, and it was my first job. When I started I didn't plan to work permanently, but the friendly and warm-hearted staff impressed me and I decided to work here permanently. Although it was difficult to study and work at the same time, I was able to overcome this difficulty because I was always supported at my workplace. I did not think that I would be able to advance in my career over time, but everything is possible in life as long as one has the will and always has the opportunity to step forward to achieve success. During these 12 years I have made many friends, gained new knowledge and skills. McDonald's has become a second family for me. Today I already work as a restaurant director, and I believe that the most important thing for success in life is a person's self-confidence.

Jasur Osmanli

Store Director

I believe that those doing their things are happy people. I am among those lucky ones. In 2012, after finishing my first year of university, I applied for a job at the McDonald's restaurant on Fountain Square. In about 1 week, I was invited for an interview and was hired. The fun, flexible, and competitive work environment has also contributed to my personal development. During my work, I managed to achieve career growth, and today my duty as a restaurant director is to serve our guests delicious McDonald's meals.

Hamid Arzudovum

Store Director

From brigade member to restaurant director, it's possible at McDonald's! I joined McDonald's on June 28, 2006 as a crew member. It was the perfect choice to combine my studies and work. As time passed, I liked this job more and more and it turned into an irreplaceable part of my life. After being appointed as a team leader 6 months later, I decided to build my career here. The teamwork, new friends and experiences were all very exciting. The seminars and trainings have helped me succeed not only at work but also in my personal life. I have been working in this company for 18 years. McDonald's has taught me that achieving success through hard work to develop knowledge and skills and for a purpose, is a reality. Now, as a Restaurant Director, I am very happy to be part of this great family!

Xəyalə Babaşova

Store Director

I remember the day I submitted my first resume to McDonald's like it was day one. In 2010, when I was in my second year of university, I could not even dream that one day I would be promoted to the position of Restaurant director in the company I applied to in order to effectively estimate my free time and cover my personal expenses. My first job was a McDonald's restaurant located near Memar Ajami subway station. Here was a work schedule with the most ideal opportunities for a student. In a short period of time, I was already able to achieve some success. After 2 years, I was promoted to the position of Restaurant manager. To do this, I learned management skills by taking both practical and specialized courses. My favorite work environment at McDonald's is the people who constantly support you.
I have been a member of a big family like McDonald's for 14 years. I have been promoted to the position of Restaurant director since 01.02.2024. Communication and behavior with people is very important when working in the service industry. I am confident that we can convey to them a sense of how valuable each of our guests who come to McDonald's is to us.

Parviz Aslanzade

Store Director

I have always wanted to do a job that I love. In 2014, while studying in my 2nd year of university, I applied for a job at McDonald's and this was my first job. The flexible working hours and responsive team were very beneficial for a student. In the beginning, I didn't plan to work on a permanent basis, but the friendly staff made a positive impression on me from the first days and I decided to continue working here. Despite the fact that it was difficult to do lessons and studies at the same time, my colleagues supported me all the time, and as a result I managed to overcome these difficulties.When I started working, I didn't even think that I would be successful in my career, but everything is possible in life. It is enough for a person to have the desire and ability to always move forward to success. During these 9 years I have made a lot of friends, McDonald's has become a second family for me. During these years I took part in numerous courses and seminars, and thus acquired leadership skills. Today I am already working with a large team as a Restaurant Director and I believe that the most important factor for success in life is to believe in yourself.


Neymat Hasanli

Store Director

In 2015, the first year of my studies, my career with the company also began. Being my first experience, working in a team built on such sincere and friendly relationships gave me a comprehensive motivation. I was attracted by the attention paid to the personal development of employees. Thus, I decided to start my career path here. Before my military service, I was able to move up to the first step of my career, and on my return from military service, I was promoted to Manager within a short period of time.
My goals have always been to move forward relentlessly, fulfill all my responsibilities responsibly, and work to achieve even more. Today, as a result of my 9-year career, I am a Restaurant director and I am determined to contribute to the McDonald's family, which is becoming more dear to me every day. I love my job, strive to inspire the team members I work with and to explain the company's values to new employees who join the team. I thank the company for the whole experience!

Gunay Huseynova

Store Director

From the first day I started working, I wanted to find a field where I could be consistently successful.
When I started working part time at McDonald's in 2014, seeing the development of the restaurant team and their confidence in the company, I knew I had found the opportunity for success I was looking for.
When I completed my first year with the company, I was already working as a Manager. After 8 years, I was promoted to the position of Director. Each new task made me work harder on the next one.
The importance given by the company to its employees, the interest in their development, the association of each of us with “Family” values, the preference for special pleasant moments - these were the main factors that kept me here.
I am very confident in the future of our company and I recommend everyone who dreams of a career to work with us.

Turxan Malikov

Store Director

In 2012, as a 1st year university student, on the recommendation of my friend, I got a job at a McDonald's restaurant located in Fountain Square. A friendly team, good relationships between employees and flexible working hours attracted my attention, and I set a goal to build my career in this company. Although it was difficult to study and work at the same time, I was able to overcome this difficulty because I was always supported at the workplace. Properly organized training, knowledge and skills I acquired at certain periods of my career helped me to rise to the position of Director. I have been working as a Restaurant director since 15.09.2023. I have been a member of the McDonald's family for 12 years and I am very happy about it.

Elvin Teymurov

Store Director

It was my college years, when I finished my 1st year, I decided that I would get a job and work as soon as I got back from summer vacation. When I went to my 2nd year, on the advice of my friend who works at McDonald's, I applied for a job at a McDonald's restaurant located near Nariman Narimanov metro station and I was accepted. I did not think that I would stay here and have career growth plans, but the working atmosphere in which I worked, the collective, convenient work schedule and career growth opportunities made me want to work more. Because of this, I decided to stay and continue working at McDonald's even after graduation. I have been a member of the McDonald's family for 13 years and currently work as a Restaurant director.

Elvin Musayev

Store Director

I joined the McDonald's family since 2006. At that time, I was looking for a suitable place to study and work.
That's exactly the kind of opportunity I found at McDonald's.
Over time, the value of the employees and career opportunities led me to build my own career here.
It is very pleasant to work in a great team, to be an employee of a prestigious company.

Agadadash Babashov

Store Director

I first learned about working at McDonald's from a close relative who worked at a McDonald's restaurant. His words about the values of the McDonald's family contributed to my becoming a member of the family. I decided to join the McDonald's family that I had visited as a guest when I was younger. On 12.29.2008, I started working at the McDonald's restaurant located in Fountain Square. From the first day I started working, the friendly relationship between the employees made me love the job even more. People's dreams come true with goals set. I have been a member of the McDonald's family for over 16 years and I am proud of it.
Because of the goals I set for myself, I am now working as a Restaurant director and I believe this will not be my last accomplishment.

Elturan Suleymanli

Store Director

I have been a member of the McDonald's family since 2016. The attention and care given to work and employee development has made me love our company even more. Over the years, I have made new friends and colleagues. I believe that every young person taking their first steps towards a sustainable future and professional development should choose a job that they enjoy and bring pleasure. I am happy to have taken my first steps at McDonald's. Thanks to the professional support, knowledge and skills of my superiors, I was promoted from Crew member to Restaurant director, and I think this is just the beginning for me. The career opportunities for every member of the growing and evolving McDonald's family are endless. All you have to do is walk confidently towards your goal.

Gulnara Aliyeva

Store Director

I joined McDonald's in 2006. Having started as an initial crew member, thanks to my efforts and good work, I was able to climb the career ladder and now work as a Restaurant director. The company has given me stability, I am confident in myself and most importantly in my future. Thanks to McDonald's I have a lot of interesting acquaintances and friends with whom I keep in touch even outside of work.
For me in my work the team is very important, I always try to unite people, I know how to create a team, and this is my strong point. I believe that if a person wants something from the heart, if he or she has the desire to do something, the result will be good.

Samit İbrahimov

Store Director

I joined the McDonald's family in 2017. After working for some time in restaurants located in Baku for training and experience, I continued my work in the restaurant opened in Ganja in 2017. I have worked in several workplaces so far, but I have never encountered such importance, respect and kindness to people as I have here. Building a successful career and getting promoted is everyone's dream. It takes confidence and the right foundation, and I can confidently say that McDonald's is the strongest foundation of that foundation. He who loves his job never gets tired of his job. McDonald's has created a family atmosphere for its employees, not a work environment, and that's why the people who work here never get tired of their jobs. I am also glad that I did not make a mistake in my choice!