Delicious, deep-fried and flavored potato slices.
Nutrition information:
M: Protein (gr) - 3.4
Fat (gr) - 11
Carbohydrate (gr) - 31
Calories (gr) - 243
L: Protein (gr) - 4.5
Fat (gr) - 14
Carbohydrate (gr) - 41
Calories (gr) - 321
Delicious, deep-fried and flavored potato slices.
Nutrition information:
M: Protein (gr) - 3.4
Fat (gr) - 11
Carbohydrate (gr) - 31
Calories (gr) - 243
L: Protein (gr) - 4.5
Fat (gr) - 14
Carbohydrate (gr) - 41
Calories (gr) - 321